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Friday, August 31, 2007

و اما بشنوید از اخبار جدید!

دیروز در یکی از این محله‌های اطراف دانشگاه (همون محله‌ی خونه‌ی من) لوله‌ی آب مهمی ترکید!

من وقتی سوار سرویس دانشگاه شدم که برم خونه دیدم مسیرش عوض شده! گفتم چرا از این ور می‌ری؟ راننده گفت که فلان خیابون رو آب ورداشته!

بعد از اینکه رسیدم خونه فهمیدم که کلاس‌های دانشگاه هم تعطیل شده! علت تعطیلی این بود که می‌گفتن فشار آب تو دانشگاه کمه و اگه آتش‌سوزی بشه نمی‌شه خاموشش کرد، برا همین ساختمونای دانشگاه امنیت لازم برای برگزاری کلاس رو ندارن. (خیلی جون دوستن این آمریکاییها!)

و اما ادامه‌ی ماجرا:

کلاً من اینجا آب شیر نمی‌خورم چون کیفیتش خیلی بده، یکی از بچه‌هایی که اینجاست می‌گه کسی که آب تهران رو خورده‌باشه نمی‌تونه تو آمریکا آب بخوره. نمی‌دونم سیستم لوله‌کشی‌شون چیه! ولی دیروز که این اتفاق افتاد یه ایمیل زدن که آب نخورید و شروع کردن بطری‌های آب به صورت مجانی تو دانشگاه پخش کردن. امروز هم ایمیل زیر رو دریافت کردم:

08/31/07 10 a.m. Update Drinking Water Advisory Still in Effect

The drinking water advisory issued by city water and county health officials for Greenfield, the Hill District, Oakland, Polish Hill, Shadyside and Squirrel Hill, including the Carnegie Mellon campus, is still in effect.

The latest information is that this advisory may be in effect until Saturday morning.

An update will be posted on www.cmu.edu and my.cmu.edu when the advisory has been lifted.

According to this advisory, the recommendation is that people in the affected areas refrain from consuming tap water, unless it has been boiled (a rolling boil for one minute). Alternatively, individuals can use bottled water for drinking, cooking, making coffee and formula and brushing teeth. Bottled water will be made available by noon at three pick-up locations: the Merson Courtyard, Morewood Gardens parking lot and in front of Donner Hall.

It is important to note that this advisory was made solely as a precautionary measure, and the Allegheny County Health Department currently has no data to indicate that the water supply is contaminated. They are continuing to run tests this morning and will provide a firm assurance as soon as possible, at which time the advisory will be lifted.

Resident students are advised not to brush teeth, make coffee or to drink unboiled tap water. Using bottled water or water brought to a rolling boil for one minute, such as in a microwave, is advised. Tap water is acceptable for bathing, showering and sanitary purposes.

Anyone with specific medical concerns should contact Student Health Services at x8-2157 (select option 2).

Domestic water service and chilled water for both air conditioning and process cooling has been restored in all buildings. FMS crews have performed preliminary assessments and corrected problems associated with the outage in all public restrooms and to air conditioning systems.

Blogger Hamid said...
damet garm pesar, che pAghadamii dashtiiii :D :))